Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Venting Machine

Ok today is one of those crappy days where ones frustration level is ticking and is ready to explode at the drop of the pin. Tears are ready to flow out any moment, for the silliest reasons and almost everything and everyone is out to drive u to the edge, and almost push u down the cliff . People seem inconsiderate, life seems unfair... When u are all set to run to the most important person in ur life they seem to have their own mood swings and issues and instead of a hug all u get is a cold shoulder. At such times I wanna just show my middle finger to the world and cut myself off frm the world which doesnt understand me, despite the fact I have always tried to give the best of me. I wanna swear at every person who comes infront of my face, not matter if the person has not said or done anything wrong and i wanna strangle my dear ones cause they fail to understand the me inside me... Instead here I am trying to act mature and clam stting on my desk, venting my frustration on a page rather than to the world . It feels better but not good enough for me.


Jinguchakka 29/8/06 5:42 PM  

Ah! A bad day? Hope it passes soon.

First I thought your title had a spelling mistake.

Navneet 29/8/06 6:36 PM  

i know what it feels like...the better part is that you get time for yourself in such situations.

Pallavi 30/8/06 2:47 AM  

I feel like that many a times.

karmic 30/8/06 5:22 AM  

Aww.. *Hugs* This too shall pass. Hang in there, I know it's easier said then done.
Kickiboxing is a great outlet at times like this or just punching a bag or working out.
Hang in ok? :)

Anonymous,  3/9/06 7:12 AM  

Sometime this happens! :) but that it relationship.. there are highs and lows..

Anonymous,  3/9/06 7:13 AM  

it = is :)

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