Back ache, A pain in the ....
Back of course!!
Yes some weeks back, I just got up from bed with a piercing back ache. I thought it was just a result of over stressing myself. I chewed myself through the day (hey am not that crazy about painkillers) and went home in the evening to sleep on a hot water bag. Next day it was better and in the next few days the back ache seemed almost fade away.
Its almost 4 weeks now and I still have the backache, sometimes mild sometimes severe. I am not that crazy to see a doc as I know what he/she is gonna tell me. Hence I have learnt to live around the backache; I have learnt the positions and postures where I will face the minimal impact and of course have got used to the feel of super hot water on my back.
As I write this post I have realise how stupid I am to not see doctor about this :D And I am going to get a appointment after I publish the post.
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