Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Shoot them!

I hate people who jump the line, that too with lame sadistic excuses such as pregnancy and sometimes not even that. I dont understand how people can shamlessly prance in the middle of the queue. Its aggrevates me the mostwhen I am all starving and standing in the line for lunch at my canteen. I see first a pregnant female do it, am agitated but then I kinda excuse her for her state - huge belly and all. Right behind her patner in crime joins her. All I wanted was a double barrel gun to shoot both the preggy and her friend... No mercy at all!

Seriously I am driven to my wits end when I see 2-4 months old pregnant as though they are in their 9th month bearing quatriplets. Jeez what a drama. Wont drink filtered water, it has to be boiled and brought from home. Later in the day I see them having chaas at the sidey dhabha outside the office. Cant eat canteen food but can gobble down a good number of vada pav fried in stale oil from the street side tea stall surrounded by all kinds of filth all over.

See I have nothing against pregnant women, and their state. I undestand their difficulty & pain in moving around with a enormous belly. I understand that we have to be considerate with them and all that. But these people whome I am refeerring to are one of a kind. They simply take advantage of the fact they are pregnant and expect every one to bend and twist according ot their wimps and fancy. Gosh I pity their husbands who have to live with it!


the rain tree 31/8/07 3:48 AM  

d other day i came across a pregnant women carrying a baby around her waist. she was requesting to be let into the que coz she is pergnant and has this tiny one troubling resting around the waist too. i simply slapped " coudnt u wait till that tiny one grew up ??? "
ignorance or illiteracy?

Rebus 31/8/07 10:25 AM  

No mercy; we are all waiting to cut corners; an excuse like that; does it all. Dont you think, but ofcourse, for the next one I will gift you a Bazooka instead.

The Bhandari's 3/9/07 4:12 AM  

well can't say coz I always give them prefernce coz I know a life is inside them and they do go through lot of mood changes and harmonal changes and I guess being little generous to them is no harm, ofcourse I give them preference be it a bus queue or food court line and even will offer my own seat to them coz I know not only in late pregnancy but even in first trimster they tend to be tired very soon... haan the thing u mentioned as them being a hypocrite is really wrong

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