Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pet embaressment

Yes this is something every pet owner has to deal with at some point. Many of my friends do have pets and I have seen a variety of pet actions which are the cause of immense embarrassment. Smelling the wrong parts, farting, socialising problem, aggression, pet uncontrollable under certain situations are some of them. But this is going to be a new one. Mandy my 4 yr Lab, is very obedient and well mannered barring one instance - there is love-hate thing between cars and her. The moment she sees parked cars, she get all super excited and wants to get inside it. But on the contrary its almost next to impossible to be with her in a moving car. She is uncontrollable, keeps on jumping from the front seat to the rear seat and barks continuously. Her barking can tear your ear drums.

Yesterday, on our way back from our daily evening walks, she got into this white Maruti and was in no mood to come of out of it (Actually she squeezed inside the car when the owner was trying to get in side) . For a good twenty minutes we were dodging each other between the front and the rear seat. Seeing the commotion a crowd had gathered around us who was heartily enjoying this and finally when I managed to get her out there were huge applause and cheering. I think someone whistled too. I must say that this will be the most embarrassing moment of my life so far.


Anonymous,  26/6/07 1:55 AM  

hahaha !! they sometimes do the sweet things.. :)

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